Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Images Of Forehead Bumps

life and people in London

Unseren Umfragen zu „Leben und Leute in London“ entnahmen wir dass den Londonern nachgesagt wird sie seien sehr unfreundlich. Wir jedoch sind nicht ganz der Meinung, weil wir finden, dass doch viele Londoner sehr nett und hilfsbereit sind. Außerdem ziehen sich die Leute dort schick, modebewusst und überzeugt von ihrem eigenen Stil an. Einige Umfragen haben ergeben, dass die Einheimischen meistens in Mietwohnungen leben. Außerdem mögen sie das typische englische Essen Fish & Chips und sie verbringen ihre Zeit in dem sie abends weggehen, Freunde treffen und in Parks gehen. Beliebt bei ihnen sind die ganzen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie z.B. das London Eye, der Tower und viele mehr, auf die sie sehr stolz sind. Bei der Frage, was die Menschen an der Stadt nicht so toll finden, antworten sie dass London überfüllt und oft dreckig sei. A typical London there are in our opinion does not. Striking is that many are under time pressure, the women are dressed quite freely and often go without 8cm heel shoes from the house. This is our idea of "life and people in London"

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How To Wear A Brown Leather Dress

orientation and locomotion in London

Although we initially confused by the complicated-looking U-Bahn-Plan were, we are now professionals in Tracking. In spite of the English language on / in signs, pictures, plans, announcements, etc. It is very easy to orient themselves in London. So far we have tested the means of bus, boat and subway, where the latter has us like the best, because you will be informed during the ride about in what further lines can be at the next station and change the sights can be visited in the area. Disadvantages are that nothing of the city, sees the rush hour is limited space, the trains are very dirty in the evening and it is quite loud what one is feeling well, if one lives next to the bus stop. Particularly convinced us, however, the high speed. Unbelievable but true, even in London you can run what querbeet most, and do so without regard for red lights (national sport No. 1).
Nicole, Lena B., Lisa and Theresa F.

Costco Financial Problems

Friday 05 June

On the third day of our London trip began with a cruise on the Thames to the Docklands. In Greenwich, where the prime meridian runs, we got off. Then we drove back into town and had first time. At half past 5, it went to Madame Tussauds. There you can learn about the major stars in person and compete with Louis Hammilton on a computer simulation. In the evening we met Jack the Ripper, who lived in the 19th century. He lived in the East End and killed at least five prostitutes, which he mutilated in part.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Raider Birthday Cake Templates

The first impression!

until arrival at the hotel was the first impression of England and London very well, all the locals are generally friendly everywhere. London is very big, but with the Underground, you can quickly move from one place to another and also with the currency will be doing fine. However, getting used to the language and driving on the left. As a typically British one can call the taxi, the telephone booths, the food (eg fish and chips) and the mailboxes. The Hotel Windsor House "does not match the standard of hygiene we have expected: House rules, which are not understandable, lack of outlets, small rooms and unusual sanitation. Our opinion, the breakfast is the only good thing about the hotel. The general Eindruck von dieser Fahrt ist doch aber überwiegend positiv. Wir sind schon auf den morgigen Tag gespannt :)

Vigamox Past Due Date

Thursday 04 June

Heute aßen wir das erste Mal im „Hotel“ Frühstück. Im Gegensatz zu den Sanitäranlagen ist dies, trotz der mangelnden Vielfalt, ein Traum. Danach gingen Kleingruppen auf die Jagd nach den Kronjuwelen im Tower of London. Als wir dann Mittagspause hatten, gingen viele getrennte Wege. Anschließend war der Treffpunkt die St. Paul´s Cathedral. Manche fuhren mit der U-Bahn in die Oxford Street, andere aßen direkt am Piccadilly Circus. Nachdem alle neue Energie getankt hatten, ging es zur Besichtigung in die St. Paul´s Cathedral. Die große Church with a golden dome, leading to the approximately 350 steps, impressed everyone. On the way to China Town, we met our art teacher Mr. Dümmlein, who also spent his Whitsun holiday with his family in London. Once in Chinatown, we had the opportunity to eat Chinese or visit one of the many fast food chains. Then we drove back to the hotel and went to bed.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Renew To Horizontal Driver's License

The journey by bus and boat

The bus went off at 19:00 in clock Kronach. It was fun but almost all are asleep. It was informative and we had a lot of fun! All were well on it. The subsequent shipping was very amusing and swing. Arrived in England Unfortunately, we drove through rush hour to the hotel, so we had 3.5 hours on a bus to prove we learned in quizzes. When we arrived we were hit by the shock, because we saw a run-down hotel. As we purchase our rooms were not yet, we visited the city and learned how to go underground.

Christina H., Heike L., Jessica S., Linda H., Nicole K., Robin B., Tina K., Viola M.