A barbecue chasing the next and this one follows a World Cup game boring after another. Now we already have 5 days in a row nice weather and the outlook is more than rosy. The battery-operated plastic record player I have dug out at the weekend and a sizeable contingent of singles will follow. The holiday and travel arrangements are in progress, and reactivated a run sports program. In the virtual world, before the computer, I keep myself current on increasingly rare and I guess that the majority of blog readers similarly issued. Therefore, a blog post several weeks of break. I wish all a great summer fun and relaxation. Until then ...
WAYCROSS was a project from / to Caroleen Beatty, singer of the BEDLAM ROVERS. The contact with her was through the mediation of JON LANGFORD of a planned album with her intended under the project name PRE-WAR JEWEL (this much more in a separate posting) to publish on SCOUT. Caroleen had put together in those days, the (last) actions of the Bedlam Rovers a new band.
We met by prior appointment for a gig in Cologne BR (unfortunately I forgot the location) for about the Pre-War Jewel project to speak. I learned of the shooting and asked for WAYCROSS sending a tape, which is now here in its entirety is available as a download.
Although I liked most of the songs very well, I felt a synchronous Release of these recordings as a disturbance to the large covered in Pre-War Jewel project, which should be published mid-gimmicks, including tour.
Unfortunately it was not to be.
Waycross The album was released in a modified form of end 98 with 2 tracks and exchanged with an error of law cover layout in NORMAL.
A small Auszug eines Online-reviews gibt einen guten Eindruck was man von dem Tape erwarten darf.
... a perfect mixture of lyrical profundity, musical depth and good old wall-of-sound that links the body to the brain without letting one rule the other, and always reminds you of what you forgot you were looking for when you find it. This is the kind of songwriting that sticks.
The songs are delightful to the ear, but not too easy on the mind, and this is meant as praise. Of course such a feature makes the music approachable on more than one level.
One can simply enjoy it for the great melodies, the vocal harmonies and the kick-ass guitar. But in the end the listener would be hard-pressed to escape unaffected by the words ...
If a customer on the anniversary gegen 11:00 Uhr in den stark besuchten Laden. Schaut sich ein wenig um, beobachtet die anderen ‚Gäste’, die hockend die Plattenreihen vor der Theke und an diversen Stellen innerhalb des Ladens teilweise hektisch durchstöbern. Geht kurz zu dem großen CD-Tisch im hinteren Bereich des Ladens, der des Stammprogramms entledigt wurde, um Platz zu schaffen für mehrere Hundert, zum Teil stark preisreduzierte Jubiläums CDs. Kommt dann zur Theke, knabbert ein paar Salzstangen, nimmt und studiert den Jubiläumsflyer und fragt dann nach einigen Minuten: Wo habt ihr denn die Sonderpreise?
The realization of this release was very slow, difficult and unusual. Dave-id Busaras
was a member of VIRGIN PRUNES and what you hear on this CD, a relevant factor for the VP in charge sound as expected.
David fell ill as a child to meningitis (meningitis), the strong, incurable impairment of the Language Centre and the motor went with it. Thus, the communication designed both by phone and in writing very difficult.
His style was to decipher because of the disease is extremely difficult, as the hand-written "SOME HISTORY" visible photo is good.
In this style we got some 3-4 Din-A4 pages with ideas, instructions and project-based or non-project related news.
David belongs (e) of the classical sort of DIY musician who lacked professionalism in the conventional sense, and this was not here to be understood in a negative sense. Detailed information can be found on his part outdated website.
use (s) of a friend from Paris, the project was still pursues and a contract will be developed. Unfortunately, it was (due to lack of players) is not possible to organize a tour, so we had to do with the well-known Scout promotional products make do, in addition to extensive Sampling, postcards and even a T-shirt printing, dieVerkaufszahlen unexpectedly brought in pleasant treble.
particularly in France could be accounted for and at the end of the chain Fnac good sales was even a license to the U.S. FEEL GOOD ALL OVER label to book.
Unfortunately it was not possible to convince us Dav-id of a different cover selections. I am sure that this cover has cost a few hundred copies. I would be drawn self-portrait by Dave-id, which was then ultimately the T-shirt design, CD cover was as much better. There
to listen and / or download it in my opinion, force five Pieces of the CD.