Monday, February 28, 2011

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almost four million euros, the city has put Hohenems in the renovation of the Lion. And ar could close a gap in the future Emser gastronomy. The response speaks for it. A strong, ongoing decline will bring the "Lion" the municipal budget as well. However, we will assume our previously not popular now and breathe the "Lion" life that he does the same Emser for the center. Because this beautiful city deserves!

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

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help for Leon

So, now just a little Vorbericht von der Typisierung von Leon.Es waren gut 150 Menschen vor Ort, die sich Typisieren ließen, es war auch ansosnetn ein großer Ansturm, da es auch eine Kleiderbörse gab. Ich hab all meine Taschen verkaufen können, auch Schals und kleine Taschen für Stifte,und ich muss einiges an Taschen nacharbeiten, in entsprechenden gewünschten Farben. Bilder reiche ich natürlich nach, muss sie erst bearbeiten. Es war hoffentlich eine gelungene Aktion, und ich drücke Leon die Daumen, das ein passender Spender unter der Beteiligung nun endlich dabei ist. Ein dickes Lob und ♥♥♥ dank nochmals, an alle die sich bei meinem Aufruf gemeldet haben, und mich so toll mit Material und ebooks unterstützt haben.Ich hatte zum Teil echt pippi in den Augen, was ihr so alles gegeben habt. DANKE

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The new "lion"

Money this dangerous corrosive, which sits at the soul like rust on the steel. Stefan Zweig

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Interactive Map: Public Finance by town

On Tuesday, 22 2. 2011, Hohenems, the City Council a resolution of 188 Austrian communities against EURATOM joined.

Hohenems urges withdrawal from EURATOM

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@ font-face {font-family: "Times New Roman";} @ font -face {font-family: "Century Gothic";} p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal {margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt font-family: "Century Gothic";} div.MsoNormal table. MsoNormalTable {font-size: 10pt font-family: "Times New Roman";}} {span.textexposedhide span.textexposedshow {} {page: Section1;} div.Section1 Liebe Leute! Dieser Brief ist für das Bundeskanzleramt in Wien. Ihr müsst ihn nur noch kopieren, eure Daten ergänzen, speichern und ausdrucken und dann per Post schicken. Da eine Mailaktion aus rechtlichen Gründen Probleme machen kann (der Aufruf ein Mail zu senden mit zugehöriger läuft unter Kettenbrief und ist rechtlich strafbar), musste ich die Mailaktion in eine Briefaktion umändern. Ich hoffe trotzdem auf eure M ...

Brief an das: Bundeskanzleramt

Ballhausplatz 2
1014 Vienna

sender ------------------------ Date
Subject: "protection for our children"

Dear Mr. Chancellor!

Madam Justice Minister!

children are our future and the most precious thing we have! They deserve our care and our maximum protection!
After cruel case, "Luca" was promised all sorts of politicians, but nothing implemented! Still see competent authorities to stand by without acting! Most are chronically understaffed and / or lack of sufficient resources. The case of "Cain" is another tragic example that have the policies and authorities (or agencies) failed again! How many children must die before the policy framework and finally wakes up and preventive measures for the protection of children, can create or improve? Also, the failure of justice is found when children are always victims of repeat offenders and known criminal offenders.

I call on you now, at last take measures to ensure the best possible protection of children.

following measures can and should contribute to protect our children:

first Increasing the penalty for all crimes of violence against children and adolescents

second Repeal of the statute of limitations on abuse crimes
third Reporting or notification requirements for physicians in cases of suspected child abuse and sexual abuse of children
4th Better networking of offices, agencies, child care facilities, schools, police and courts
5th Establish uniform bases for competent authorities and agencies
6th Better (financial) support for victims (therapies, coping of traumatic experiences)
7th Changing social conditions (poverty alleviation, better family support)

I hope that the policy carries out its responsibility and finally words into deeds!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Hohenems urges withdrawal from EURATOM

When: Friday, Feb 25, 21 Clock Concert:
Where: busy pub / Kaiser Josef Strasse 29 / 6845 Hohenems

Das Blues Urgestein aus Hohenems, inzwischen seit 50 Jahren aktiv im Musikgeschehen wird im Beisl ein breites Repertoire von Rock bis Blues präsentieren. Dabei wird er von Weggefährten und Freunden begleitet. Für analoge Fans ein Pflichttermin!

Der Eintritt ist frei nach dem Motto "Kultur für Alle" zu den jeweiligen Veranstaltungen frei. Spenden erwünscht.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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@font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman"; }@font-face { font-family: "Century Gothic"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Century Gothic"; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt font-family: "Times New Roman";} div.Section1 {page: Section1;}

Credit database: Collect
credit information files "payment experience data" by tapping all possible (and not necessarily legitimate) sources, and store this data seems to last forever in credit data banks, the banks, mobile operators and many access them. Even if the basic registration, either at the back is long and adjustment, there was - so far! - For the person concerned no way to be deleted from the database to be, so that access to the "normal" services for everyday life was denied.
right to object:
This has made the Supreme Court is now final. Since credit rating databases related to a specific address code (if paid) are accessible and there is no legal mandate for data storage, the individual has to raise the right at any time and without notice to object to processing the storage of his payment history data.
The data must be deleted as a result within eight weeks.
The cancellation claim is independent of a possible - in many terms and conditions contained - earlier consent to data processing and dissemination.
bankruptcy protection:
The Austrian data protection law gives the victim thus an EU-wide unique protection against stigmatization by credit information files, but at the expense of creditor protection. This is of course to the dismay of the industries whose business model on credit, and (consumption) based funding. The usual query of this credit information will be greatly devalued the right to object, so that new ways need to assess the solvency of the customers are found.
MMag. Dr. Rupert Manhart, LL.M. (LSE)

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How then always the case. Have just raised the photos and other material found DoV. Also, in my opinion, more attractive German-language information sheet that was created for the sampling of domestic radio stations and magazines, to keep the nostalgic eye (below) is not denied.

What I did not know was the info that were DELTA OF VENUS in the U.S. with LUSH on tour and that the Rev. Kevin Shields (My Bloody Valentine) is heard so highly of the band have should.

also interesting that we seem at this time ignorant of the preliminary report mentioned 'fear of flying' know. Otherwise we would have announced a tour for spring 1996? Hmm .. probably know ...

I have just heard again her first tape, titled "Dark with Fire". Quite well and to my surprise, having a cover version of Cabaret Voltaire's "Nag Nag Nag". More on this tape in a later post.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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SCOUT A very successful publication, I think. Sorry, saw this in the buyers thought otherwise. In addition to BIG RED KITE the worst-selling CD of all our Label. It is futile to look for reasons why it has not sparked, though the music pretty well met the Teitgeist.

course it is harder to bring new acts to the man, if no industrial machine for the truly manipulative promotional purposes is available.

In the case of DELTA OF VENUS was my opinion exacerbates that a member was suffering from extreme fear of flying, and not as a short tour with the press interviews in the run- could take place.

That was only the one CD Reviews / Reviews in the relevant Magazinen und Stadtzeitschriften angewiesen.

Auch wenn die allgemeine Resonanz ziemlich positiv war, glaube ich mittlerweile, dass unsere angedachte Vermarktungsstrategie, nämlich DoV als Goth-infizierte Version von STEREOLAB anzupreisen, ein Schuß in den Ofen war. Wie auch immer, ich höre mir die CD immer noch sehr gerne an.

Ich besitze auch noch Aufnahmen für ein damals geplantes Nachfolgealbum, sowie Demo-Versionen der meisten Stücke des ersten Albums. Ich denke, auch diese in weiterer Zukunft in diesen Blog zu stellen.

Das Scout-Info-Sheet wurde damals für die internatinale Promotion verwendet.

Ich hatte mir vor einigen Wochen noch ein tolles Live photo of the band put aside extra good to get it to post now. Unfortunately, I have found it, not even after a long search so far.

as sound files I "DOUBT" and "blind" to the A NEUTRAL have chosen CD. Resonance is as always welcome.



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Ich will mich schon mal vorab bedanken bei:   Sandra, Daniela, Ela,Iris, Tanja, Regina Lustig, Farbenmix, Michas Stoffecke, Pepp Auf, Stefanie, Allerlieblichst, Mondbresal für euren Einsatz mir Stoffe, Stickis und ebooks zur Verfügung zu stellen.Das ist echt super lieb von euch♥♥♥.....bin really excited. If there are some nice helpers who make me want evtl.ein quickly to sewing ebook available that would be really great. The more I can make from the fabrics, the more money I can pass it on to Leon's parents. Thank you in advance. Your crumbs, which can now glow the next week the needle.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Those who do not pay at WOT is a negative connotation!

Which specialist is working with WOT?
WOT is a strong angagiert of Finland to the smallest detail concept which is based only on rip-off. There are still millions of dollars currently earned it, I just hope that it will soon be blocked.
I myself have received an email from Finland, that we could get for $ 1,000 in 10 minutes, more than 2,000 positive reviews, no matter what language, when we reported there, and inquired why there are such reports. As luck will
so are nearly 70% of all online shops affected, who work in the front end with normal http and https only from the ordering process.

Currently, the situation is even encouraging WOT court.

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WOT offers Positives for money! Which specialist is working with WOT?

WOT is a strong angagiert of Finland to the smallest detail concept which is based only on rip-off. There are still millions of dollars currently earned it, I just hope that it will soon be blocked.
I myself have received an email from Finland, that we could get for $ 1,000 in 10 minutes, more than 2,000 positive reviews, no matter what language, when we reported there, and inquired why there are such reports. As luck will
so are nearly 70% of all online shops affected, who work in the front end with normal http and https only from the ordering process.

Currently, the situation is even encouraging WOT court.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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call for help for Leon Leon

DA I can not stitch machine have ..... but need some embroideries. ........ for the pockets of the I want to sew for this action .... the stuff I get from Farbenmix Micah Stoffecke sponsored ...... at this point ... thank you so much for your help ..... this is so great ... ............... me who would sponsor a few embroideries .????? because it does not matter what ... get Tanya. be digitized and a file .... which would then also embroidered ........ would be super if someone would find eden.
are so good, and goes on leni colorful on the blog ..... where there is even a file to sticken.dankeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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illusions can not shake off as easily as the mercury in the thermometer. Stefan Zweig

Thursday 7 April, 19.00 clock / parish hall of St. Charles Tuesday 24 May, 19.00 clock
Tuesday 13 September, 19.00 clock
  • Tuesday, 8 November, 19.00 Clock
  • Tuesday 20 December, 19.00 clock
  • Location: fire station, conference room

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find the next public meeting of the City Council on 22/02/2011 at the fire station (19.00 clock) instead.
  • the industrious and the Open request to bring a resolution to 'Get out of Euratom "field.

    Important: The EURATOM petition from 28 February to 07 March 2011 over Austria at all municipal offices / magistrates to sign up!

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    Anyone who has an internet shop ... and I want to help you ..... can contact me ..... even those who can not shop oä has super help you, we urgently need prices, and donations for leon ....... It is a great action ..... so we will need much support ....... It would be great if they find eineige to help with .... Regina Lustig has already done so, and I found an e-book available. Many thanks again on this way .....

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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    Leon needs

    our help

    Leon was born on 23/12/1997 and has leukemia. Before the disease was 1.5 years for the first time and could be appeased with heavy drugs and expensive therapies. A little hope of escape from this cruel disease again to be leapt upon him. But the disease returned with all its injustice and cruelty. Leon only one way, a small, narrow strip of hope remains on his life. That hope is called bone marrow / blood stem cell donation. But the search for a suitable donor so far remained unsuccessful.

    We can try to help a boy in the worst trouble, typified by having us. Our donor's blood is compared with the characteristics of Leon.

    How you can help: Gittelde place in a classification place. If you are aged between 18 and 50 years, you can register there can .

    * The information session für alle Fragen zu diesem Thema findet am 15.02.2011 um 19:00 Uhr im Gemeindezentrum in Gittelde (Schulstraße 4) statt.
    *     Die Typisierung findet am Sonntag , den 27/02/2011 , of
    12:30 bis 16:00 clock in the primary school Gittelde (Dr . Heinrich-Uhde-Straße) instead.
    The venues are signposted. For your comfort will be provided.
    you can fund the study itself or free of lead.
    Für uns Gesunde ist es eine kleine Mühe, für Leon bedeutet es vielleicht Leben.
    Spendenkonto „Leon Römermann“:
    Volksbank im Harz
    Kto.Nr.: 103 103 103 * BLZ 268 914 84
    Verwendungszweck: Typisierung Leon
    Die Spendengelder werden für die Laborarbeiten bei der Typisierung benötigt. Diese Gelder werden weder von Krankenkasse noch einer Organisation paid and amount to 50 € per analysis.

    Please help a boy who has his life ahead of him.
    contact for questions: Stefan Morsch Foundation - Free Hotline 0800/7667724
    See also:
    Leon is in the old as our Sebastian, it frightens me, it can affect anyone. Please Help Leon, because he has his life ahead
    We collect more properly on the day ... and a few piggy banks needed, I'm funny with a great piggy bank dawanda solution gefunden.Ein Weichspülflaschensparschwein of Regina, they have written and asked if the ebook for Leon is available .... prommt I got the answer and this ebook. Thank you Regina ... it's really not a matter of course ..... but you're great ... thank you Leon is

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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    Saturday, February 12, 2011

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    YES .. I know it's real quiet here now ...... but since I work here now is my time has become less real .... looks ..... but a look it is really good .... nice things to be found there, or at best you look on the ground then a look ..... can we call crane flies round ...

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

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    the scandal CUSTOMS

    If you ask me about the most annoying, most annoying and business operations vermiesensten institution of Dragnet and the target active time, so there there is only one answer: the (German) CUSTOMS!

    What is there telling of stories about the inadequacies of customs officials, or in spirit totally free of law provisions, which only served to disrupt the homogeneous economic cycle, there would be able to fill a blog.

    I've rumgeärgert but almost 20 years with these people, I feel now do not feel like my old Annoyances to recall. When cleaning up, but I found the featured in. Note that we could find so often in the overseas packages that were beyond the check usually only barely packed. I took the liberty of putting them into an appropriate jail window frame.

    other hand, was lucky to be able to find them. This was then, at least for that week assured the U.S. of goods. In most cases you had to antanzen personally because the men have found, for example, between 500 CDs then a DVD that was not declared on the invoice as a DVD, but brazenly 'only' a CD.

    As I said ... hundreds of similar nature of several incidents there reported to ...