Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baby Cache Consumer Reports

favorite places

An entry of Laura, Isabel, Janine, Lisa, Katrina, Carina and Judith

London Eye

The fascinating thing about the London Eye is the amazing view. You can see the whole city and beyond. When you stand in one of the gläserenen capsules
t you feel as if fly. We find this stunning.

Hyde Park

Hyde Park is the largest and most beautiful park in London. There you can walk, jog, meet friends or simply relax. In the middle is a large lake with swans and geese. Actually, the whole park full of animals, such as squirrels, which are so tame they eat out of hand.

Oxford Street

The highlight of our trip to London was likely for most of us on Oxford Street. There you can go shopping at all the best and the many Londoners observe the process of how do they do exactly the same. The many shops of a more affordable H & M to a Gucci or Prada shop are all represented.
PS: We unfortunately could not take any pictures, because we too were very busy with power shopping.

The Tube

Another of our favorite spots is the Underground. May sound strange, but Sun to find) The challenge, the right line or direction, and the whole street musicians in the corridors are of interest. to drive awareness of the tube intensified the thought arrived in London to to belong and be.

Camden Market

The Camden Market has dropped us completely. There you can marvel at curiosities and if you still have money left over to buy something. Unfortunately it rained that day, but that did not stop us from even the many punks and goths like to go there.

Chronic L Upper Quadrant Pain

Our 4th Our 3rd day in London

An entry of Judith and Lena

On Saturday morning's went off simultaneously with a tour of the Tower of London. Then we could in our small group program in the street markets Londons selbst gestalten, die uns sehr gefallen haben – trotz des regnerischen Wetters. Unsere Londonreise beendeten wir dann am Abend mit einem sehr sehr langen „Spaziergang“ bzw. einer Wanderung an der Themse und durch die Docklands. Wir waren hundemüde und unsere Füße haben uns weh getan!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Parabody Smith Machine For Sale

Day and our encounters with Londoners

Ein Eintrag von Vera, Katja, Linda, Anna-Lena, Katharina, Tanja, Sophia, Sabrina und Johanna

Nachdem wir gefrühstückt hatten, gingen wir am Vormittag zuerst zur St. Paul's Cathedral, wo die meisten die insgesamt 434 Stufen in die Höhe stiegen, um die Stadt zu überblicken.

Anschließen fuhren wir zur Wachablösung am Buckingham Palace. Als die Guards für Charles Geburtstagsfeier geübt hatten, konnten wir dies begeistert beobachten.

Nachmittags hatten wir dann Freizeit, wo wir ausgiebig die Geschäfte unsicher machten. Anschließend verfuhren wir uns selbständig mit der U-Bahn, wobei wir dabei mal richtig die Unterschiede zwischen den unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsschichten erlebten. Irgendwann haben wir dann das London Eye erreicht. Von da aus hatten wir alle eine tolle Aussicht auf das wunderschöne London.

From the London Eye and then we walked through Trafalgar Square to Chinatown, where some of us tried Chinese food.

Overall it was a really interesting day, we have made really totally different people: from business people with their iPhones on a street musician with their fiddles, and people dressed in crazy-cool hip-hopper. Some had not even shoes at times, even though they had enough money to buy some. We are really stressed and rude, but also open and helpful people met. But overall, our task was really fun and we were proud of ourselves that we could talk with real Londoners! :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

My Son Has Peritoneal Cancer

orientation in the metropolitan

An entry of Anja, Julia, Robert, Daniel, Peter and Marvin

After we had become accustomed to our bus, it was not easy to get used to the London market. It is on public transport dependent. There are the ubiquitous taxis (27,000 taxis in London:-O), the famous red London buses, and probably the most important means for us: the Underground.

Long corridors, to the North-South lead, East and West Bound lines, names like Bakerloo, Circle or Central are to us already "everyday" words. Even with very confusing phrases such as "Take the Westbound Piccadilly Line to Leicester Square and change to the southbound Northern Line ..." it is for most of our group no longer a problem to find the right station. Our approach: Wunschziel – Route – Einsteigen :-D Problemlos fahren wir bis zur London Bridge, dem Trafalgar Square oder sogar zu dem bekannten Madame Tussauds .

Wichtige Regeln wie „Mind the Gap“ oder „Rechts stehen Links gehen“ sind super-hilfreich im Londoner U-Bahn Netz. Auch Plätze wie das Harrods, der berühmte Bahnhof King's Cross oder das bekannte Hard Rock Café sind schnell gefunden. Nach ein wenig Eingewöhnungszeit ist die Orientierung in einer Großstadt wie London nicht sehr viel schwerer als in kleinen Städten wie unser Coburg oder Kronach.

PS: Harrods ist eine Schande! Weil wir nicht rein gekommen are.

Quaker No Bake Cookies Recipe

Our 2nd Day in London

An entry of Janis, Flo, Kevin and John

at 8 clock, we have enjoyed a very "rich" breakfast. (. Haha. xD)

at 9 clock, we began the three-hour city tour. The first stop was at the Tower of London. The very interesting and informative tour ended at world-famous department store Harrods. Unfortunately, not everyone got in - we but already ^ ^ (only the tough get no garden). We realized that London is a very big city.

Tate Modern / Aquarium:
We were allowed to choose where we go either to the art museum or the aquarium. We were in the aquarium. We saw very interesting marine life.

explore London:
We were allowed to pursue our interests in London.

Jack the Ripper Tour:
Die sehr interessante eineinhalbstündige Tour durch London war sehr anstrengend. Doch haben wir einiges über Jack the Ripper erfahren.

Jeder durfte sich nach seinem Geschmack etwas zu Essen kaufen.

Wir hoffen euch hat der Beitrag gefallen und wir schicken gute Grüße nach Hause^^.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Stream

First impressions of England

An entry by Michelle, Teresa, Carla, and Anika Nicole

soon as we walked from the ferry, we were not sure whether we are really already arrived in England. Because the landscape - and especially the Lidl, where we drove past - reminding us of Kronach. Even from the suburbs, we were surprised. These are littered in part and is also found more older buildings than stylish high-rises. But then we discovered still something typically British: two students in school uniforms, waiting for their school bus.

would have been one of us, the bus driver, we would almost certainly as a ghost riders without Plan durch ganz England gekurvt. Der Linksverkehr hat uns ganz schön verwirrt. Außerdem waren die Straßen sehr verstopft und jede zwanzig Meter kam eine neue rote Ampel. Hilfe! Doch die anstrengende Fahrt hat sich gelohnt:

London is great!

Schon von weitem konnten wir einige Hochhäuser und Touristenattraktionen erkennen. Und kurze Zeit später waren wir mittendrin in dem Getummel. Die Straßen in der Innenstadt waren sehr voll. Uns fielen die roten Busse und Telefonzellen sofort auf.

Typisch britisch sind auch die vielen schwarzen Cabs. Sowohl die Taxi- als auch die Busfahrer waren jedoch oft verärgert, da viele People in London go through the red light. After our arrival we took a side trip to Hyde Park, which seemed to us like a paradise in the city.

As we are two hours later, checked in at the hotel, we met (very easy) the shock. In the entrance it was very humid. It stank and the rooms were too small for eight people. We had our bags on the narrow stairs up to the fourth floor tow. There are no closets in the rooms. So we have no alternative but to live out of suitcases. xD

But it is a good thing: an internet café direkt im Hotel. Und außerdem muss man nur um die Ecke schauen, um eine der typischen Straßen in London zu sehen. (z.B. mit Souvenirshops, U-Bahn-Stationen und McDonalds)