Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Stream

First impressions of England

An entry by Michelle, Teresa, Carla, and Anika Nicole

soon as we walked from the ferry, we were not sure whether we are really already arrived in England. Because the landscape - and especially the Lidl, where we drove past - reminding us of Kronach. Even from the suburbs, we were surprised. These are littered in part and is also found more older buildings than stylish high-rises. But then we discovered still something typically British: two students in school uniforms, waiting for their school bus.

would have been one of us, the bus driver, we would almost certainly as a ghost riders without Plan durch ganz England gekurvt. Der Linksverkehr hat uns ganz schön verwirrt. Außerdem waren die Straßen sehr verstopft und jede zwanzig Meter kam eine neue rote Ampel. Hilfe! Doch die anstrengende Fahrt hat sich gelohnt:

London is great!

Schon von weitem konnten wir einige Hochhäuser und Touristenattraktionen erkennen. Und kurze Zeit später waren wir mittendrin in dem Getummel. Die Straßen in der Innenstadt waren sehr voll. Uns fielen die roten Busse und Telefonzellen sofort auf.

Typisch britisch sind auch die vielen schwarzen Cabs. Sowohl die Taxi- als auch die Busfahrer waren jedoch oft verärgert, da viele People in London go through the red light. After our arrival we took a side trip to Hyde Park, which seemed to us like a paradise in the city.

As we are two hours later, checked in at the hotel, we met (very easy) the shock. In the entrance it was very humid. It stank and the rooms were too small for eight people. We had our bags on the narrow stairs up to the fourth floor tow. There are no closets in the rooms. So we have no alternative but to live out of suitcases. xD

But it is a good thing: an internet café direkt im Hotel. Und außerdem muss man nur um die Ecke schauen, um eine der typischen Straßen in London zu sehen. (z.B. mit Souvenirshops, U-Bahn-Stationen und McDonalds)


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