's probably the last post this year. Now it is to my own surprise, but 63 posts in the first year of blogging has become. That is far more than advised and expected.
Let's see how it goes next year.
At the end of 2010 special treat for alumni who came, like me, in regular contact with JACK OR JIVE.
When Japanese specialty, at least in the chewing gum industry, we were regularly presented with the illustrated chewing gum. Very strange and exotic flavor.
One or the other 'recipient' will certainly remember the taste and the childlike joy of the Japanese guests, if you screwed up involuntarily because of the strangeness flavor the face.
surprise of what is stored for as all good ... All the best ...
Wie bereits in einem früheren Beitrag angekündigt, gibt es eine hübsche und für die Entwicklung der Dragnet'schen Geschäftszweige nicht unerhebliche Geschichte zu erzählen, die sich im Herbst 1993 zugetragen hatte.
Bereits auf der Kölner Popkomm wurde ich am riesigen SONY Stand gewahr, dass besagter Konzern ein Indielabel und eine Marketingabteilung mit dem hübschen Namen DRAGNET RECORDS gegründet hatte und mit ziemlichem Promotionsaufwand, nicht nur die aktuelle und auf eben diesem Sidelabel erschiene Veröffentlichung von BAD RELIGION zu bepreisen, sondern auch das im Aufbau befindliche Label/Etikett werbewirksam zu etablieren.
Zu diesem Zwecke war nicht nur der Stand mit Flyern und Postern mit dem nicht unattraktiven Logo dieses Labels übersät, sondern es gab auch eine Promotions-CDs mit einer Auswahl erschienener oder geplanter Veröffentlichungen. Zwar enttäuscht ob dieses Namensvetters, gedachten wir aber weiterhin in friedlicher Koexistenz die industrielle Musiklandschaft zu bereichern.
Kurz nach der Popkomm erhielten wir jedoch den Anruf eines Rechtsanwaltes der SONY, der unmissverständlich zu verstehen gab, dass die Existenz eines zweiten DRAGNET Labels zwangsweie zu einer Irreführung des Marktes führen würde, und wir innerhalb allerkürzester Zeit 'unsere' Marke Dragnet (wie es im Juristenjargon called) and set to annihilate existing productions or provided with inlay according to new labeling would.
From inexperience assuming a Sony case (financially also and above all) not up to be, I was mentally during this call already has the name and on a mischievous hint of Autoritätsignoranz I dared me to ask if there is one Sony-art office coffee there, which could free up my energy to even more rapid implementation of a name change. To my very great surprise, the lawyer stopped short and asked at what amount would I have thought of. After naming a wirlich small amount in the mid four-figure Area, asked the Lord Advocate from a few days to think, to discuss this possibility with his client.
short speech, long sense!
this I was awakened!
I immediately thought, if such a big major label would have to pay anything legal, then it would pay nothing. I then consulted a lawyer on the size of Theater Street, who said clearly that we would encourage only some evidence to light, which would clearly document the previous use of the mark or label name DRAGNET RECORDS. So that we could then a so-called priority of the mark to prove.
Designs This is relatively easy since we already had several releases under the label name, vorzuweisen including a number of advertisements in popular magazines had. These contractual arrangements with distributors came as EFA or the FNAC chain in France, the label designation documented. And all this good 2 years before Sony Dragnet was active.
sued on the advice of our counsel, we now return to Sony Dragnet YOUR brand, including the resulting changes already produced CDs and inlays or retain more than the payment of a substantial sum to the name. Then we would change the label name, jedoch sollte dies nicht die Namensführung des Ladenlokals betreffen.
Nach vielen Schriftwechseln und Betragdrückungsversuchen erklärte sich die SONY letztlich bereit, die geforderte Summe zu zahlen, die es uns mehr als erleichterte die Labelbezeichnung von DRAGNET RECORDS in DRAG&DROP zu ändern und die das Startkapital bildete, um mit unserem "grossen" Label SCOUT RELEASES an den Start zu gehen.
SCOUT wurde übrigens in den Folgejahren ebenfalls zweimal mit einer Klage gedroht; dazu aber in einem späteren posting mehr...
NEN half a day to work ... then I also have Christmas ... as a joke, my colleague and I today Tildaflügel to .... as we are today Christmas angels the last gifts to customers and package them verkaufen.In this sense, all you out there, a peaceful, relaxing and stress free Christmas: is good and healthy new year ....
Hi ... yes it is a little quieter here ... this is because the ich jetzt in einem Geschenkeladen arbeite........und das macht so viel spass....das ich kaum dazu komme meine Sachen zu zeigen...geschweige denn zu knipsen. Die Arbeit ist genau mein Ding, und ich bin unendlich froh das machen zu können, auch gesundheitlich....und wie man weiss ist jetzt kurz vor Weihnachten echt viel einzupacken........denn es gibt im Laden einen Verpackungservice, Geburtstagsballons...die grossen die man befüllen kann... Geldgeschenke und vieles mehr............es ist gleich im Nachbarort......kann da zu Fuß hingehen........Somit wünsche ich euch hiermit vorab schon mal besinnliche Weihnachtstage, ohne Stress und Hektik...last es euch gut gehen...und nett vom Weihnachtsmann beschenken...kommt gut ins neue Jahr 2011.Euer Streusel
Die Labelnummer DDI 3332 aus dem Jahre 1995 war und ist etwas ganz Besonderes im Katalog the drag and drop labels: A publication of the Frenchman Jean-Marc Vivenza, a man who is for the term "legend" entirely appropriate:
Active since the early 80s he is safe in its importance to the industrial music in to see a league with acts such as Esplendor Geometrico, Etant Donnes, Le Syndicat. He stands with his strictly black-white-red cover designs and his consistently "bruitistischen", ie machine-minimalist sound art for a distinctive individual style.
The CD "Fondement Bruitiste" includes the two pieces of the same single of 1984, the four Pieces of the 1985 tapes "Essentialité Métallique" and an exclusive track (which had previously been only in modified form on a non-generating adjustable tape sampler).
mercilessly drilled the monotony of industrial work in the ears, devoid of musicality in the true sense and driving rhythms to create a fascinating, rigorous structure of the noise, which ultimately seems to dissolve into a dehumanized, unpleasant, comfortable acoustic backdrop. Advanced Listening, but extremely rewarding, I am hereby officially oute fan
A posting on Vivenza would hardly be complete without pointing auf die dunkle, bzw. in diesem Falle braune Seite dieses Herrn: Denn tatsächlich scheint er in den 90ern mit seinem zweiten Standbein, der Philosophie, am rechten Rande auffällig geworden zu sein. In bester Tradition des Futurismus huldigte er in diversen Pamphleten einer technokratischen, allein dem Fortschritt verschriebenen Gesellschaft und der Abkehr von den aufklärerischen Prinzipien der Menschenrechte und geriet somit in die Zirkel der intellektuellen Nouvelle Droite.
Da sich Vivenzas schriftstellerisches Wirken rein auf den französischen Raum beschränkt, war uns damals von alledem schlichtweg nichts bekannt, und genaue Informationen über den Inhalt seiner Schriften sind eigentlich bis heute nicht aufzutreiben - At that time, pre-Internet, certainly do not. Whether the CD would still be released, but I can not answer.
sure but I would have considered very carefully whether I had in 1995 with a friend a gig Vivenza of all the autonomous center organized (!). In retrospect, I am very happy because the Lord was by no means a creep, but very personable and friendly, although somewhat conservative, a sort of external Ralf Hütter with underground patina.
fits also for his show of comparison, a kind of mixture of plant and Vincent Price as Dr. Phibes - breathtakingly awesome!
When scouring the Internet, there are indications that Vivenza has now published his work entirely in the realm of philosophy - and to be in his thoughts now reached just to Buddhism.
can actually tell me that with less remorse pleased that the French label Rotoreliefs currently doing what drag and drop no longer did: even the other Backcatalogue von Vivenza veröffentlichen.
Eine wirkliche TARGET Tradition war und ist das alljährliche Mitarbeiter - Weihnachtsessen. Dieses gemeinsame Essen, inklusive anschliessender Aachen Expeditionen und als Resultat dann nur noch fragmentarische Erinnerungen an das Nachhausekommen, fand seine Premiere am ersten Jahresende nach dem Einzug in die Räumlichkeiten in der Weststrasse im Jahre 2000.
Es fiel nicht ein einziges Jahr aus und wurde (fast) immer im Anschluss an the annoying inventory started.
I find it very nice that even after the termination of business operations in 2008, this tradition with the really hard-core employees will continue. So in this year.
Fortunately, I got hold of a photograph, not the employee actually said - except by you yourself - are seen. Team to the photo should be clear. Recorded in West Park on the way into town.
What year? Mmm .. not'm sure .. what do you think?
WOT is known that spy on the user behavior can earn much money.
The "free" tool WOT (Web of Trust) would like to here what abhaben of the cake. Web of Trust "on the phone," namely by ies_webbugs cook with his owners and his accomplices (Google Analytics and Domain Tools). The sale of these data (user behavior) properly washed coal in the office of Against Intuition Inc. Seemingly far as the intuition Inc. is not, so now is SimilarSites installed the WOT.
Wow, so you can foist the user "his" favorite sites (sponsors). Under the guise of a security tool Warning This page is: does it work, as we see, apparently without hesitation :-(
here obtained a single WOT POWER USER: "Warning This page has a bad reputation"
Such negative examples can be found mass in the WOT ratings.
My conclusion: If his self-appointed task is not just spies and also from the WOT users! Probably just rumors spread by a new tool or Rotten Neighbor-new look.
This one-track demo tape of me at the time of the estimated Italian Sound Inventor GIANCARLO Toniutti we were (relatively) without comment in late 1996.
Toniutti been active since the early 80s and published in 1985 on the BROKEN FLAG recommended album 'La Mutazione'. Appeared in 1986 then in his own distribution in my opinion best album EPIGENESI.
In the early 90's there then in collaboration with Conrad Schnitzler formed CAMMA. Still pretty good.
The thing I like Toniutti's Sound Design often particularly liked was the combination of specific sounds with the DIY lo-fi aesthetic of post-punk era, which usually by slightly overdriven, swirling and bubbling areas contrasting with the more scientific 'musique concrete' tinkering exceptions. Since this with previous work usually have a bad fit in the Broken Flag / MB / aesthetics, etc. should be packed, said the Unkategorisierbarkeit its publications. The
in the 90s or later published works were not able to convince me and so particularly had this tape, although the predicted quoting to offer no interesting new features. Whether one of this track was ever released, is beyond my knowledge.
is having the right pace of the beating technology and communication development called above all, the dinosaur media messaging still not dead and it still takes infinitely long time until the desired page. Nice old-fashioned calm.
the mid-nineties (maybe today?), There was the joint ARD / ZDF Videotext the heading 'NEW DISCS', in which a very small weekly number of new releases was discussed. I think it was actually only two or three publications, which found the grace of the reviewers.
nice order so that SCOUT almost all publications that honor was bestowed. I am pleased to have archived these artifacts at the time. To my surprise, a ELVES production is among the reviewers praised. Namely SALLY DOHERTY's excellent debut.
A great Saturday with my loved ones .... we were at a match in Hamburg HAMBURG. It was really super crazy, I was the first time ...... in this stadium, it really blew me away .... And if you're already there, it's a must to take a picture with the mascot Herman ......
retrospect can be said that the first tour of Germany HANDSOME FAMILY, not only the course has provided for their respectable sales but also for their enduring cult status today.
This was also the good organization of the sympathetic concert organizer Berthold Seliger owe, who performed a very professional job.
Although the chronology of appearance in relation to the geographical Aspects in addition to hundreds of returnees km bus was called, all largely smoothly.
addition to a detailed tour guide with all relevant information about each gig, there was even this cute little backstage passes for tacking and 'feel important'.
For privacy reasons, the name of the owner of Backstage Pass was removed with highly sophisticated graphic tools. We offer this to the estimated understanding of the blog visitor.
This Publication was preceded by several complications. to give a great idea in this musical masterpiece with a suitable framework in which it was intended to publish the equally appealing constructivism design as a picture disc in a limited 300 edition, met with a surprising turn, determine when was that after a critical selection of only about 100 copies were usable.
The remaining copies were at the manufacturer, a rather dubious company, then a resident of a construction site-like building on the outskirts of Cologne, either involuntary or sunbathing already suffered in the manufacture irreparable heat damage to the Playing necessary horizontal form of the vinyl record, with more than 200 copies show could not.
One can vividly imagine that the largely intact copies were sold out a flash. Today achieve this ambitious picture disc collector's prices.
to want to meet the large demand, we decided on a second edition in black vinyl standardized public. Again, this edition was sold out quickly.
The music on 'MONOPOSTO' consists largely of sampled guitar sounds of CVLiquidsky, which already was present at the plant Tietchens Stupor Mundi.
The shimmering sound and the sombre tone clusters let the pictures in Werkbund move around.