Friday, May 28, 2010

Ap Biology Lab 4 Write A Hypothesis

The third day ...

The day began with that we took the Metro to dock the ship of our sight-seeing tour. Of information from the tourist guide, we have not understood much, because he spoke English. However, we saw many sights such as the Houses of Parliament and Tower Bridge. Then we left the boat at the dock and ran to the Greenwich Observatory on the 0-meridian. Then we had the opportunity to go in Chinatown with the tutors food but were allowed to explore the city alone. At 17:00 clock we could go into the hard rock cafe and who is not wanted could only stay in the city. Then we had to move automatically to the subway to meet Tower Hill. Since we are already with love our coaches have made, there was no problem for us. After a short wait were our guides, our two groups in the history of Jack the Ripper, the number of women killed in brutal fashion, introduced. This was a very intressanter and beautiful day.

Melli, Thess, Kathy, Kristen, Annie and Sophie


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