Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Milena Velba V. Nadine Jansen


addition to the store and label activities, we tried very early in the organization and implementation of concerts within Aachen and one of the highlights of this activity was the Double Concerto by Jack Or Jive and The Legendary Pink Dots.

Although the Legendary Pink Dots acted as the main act, had been due to the tireless promotion Dragnet shop but a larger number of Jack or Jive gathered interested people who cheered loudly the suggestive appearance.

was unfortunately marred the concert time by the aggressive spectator, mostly stationed with his back to the stage action and latently violent psychopathic and stared into the unsettled amount of visitors.

Nevertheless, the successful event this cause only marginal damage, as the visitors left after several encores satisfied the venerable Jakobshof.

I remember very well that at least two spectators longer sections of the concert was filmed and we might even reach at least one such means. If so, please report any case, as a visual proof of this concert event would be the blog and especially this review to shame.

The tape shown in the photo was supposed to deliver an acoustic detection of the concert, but to my great surprise, is not a sound on the tape. Deleted either by mysterious incompatibilities of various magnetic fields and then labeled prematurely in good faith or from GEMA small males at some point during the night maliciously, but as always only in the artist deleted. I do not know.

Anyway, I am quite sure that there is another tape recording (directly from the mixer) of the Jack Or Jive gigs are. I will seek and find him, and blog!


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