Friday, February 25, 2011

Insurance That Covers Laser Hair Removal

@ font-face {font-family: "Times New Roman";} @ font -face {font-family: "Century Gothic";} p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal {margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt font-family: "Century Gothic";} div.MsoNormal table. MsoNormalTable {font-size: 10pt font-family: "Times New Roman";}} {span.textexposedhide span.textexposedshow {} {page: Section1;} div.Section1 Liebe Leute! Dieser Brief ist für das Bundeskanzleramt in Wien. Ihr müsst ihn nur noch kopieren, eure Daten ergänzen, speichern und ausdrucken und dann per Post schicken. Da eine Mailaktion aus rechtlichen Gründen Probleme machen kann (der Aufruf ein Mail zu senden mit zugehöriger läuft unter Kettenbrief und ist rechtlich strafbar), musste ich die Mailaktion in eine Briefaktion umändern. Ich hoffe trotzdem auf eure M ...

Brief an das: Bundeskanzleramt

Ballhausplatz 2
1014 Vienna

sender ------------------------ Date
Subject: "protection for our children"

Dear Mr. Chancellor!

Madam Justice Minister!

children are our future and the most precious thing we have! They deserve our care and our maximum protection!
After cruel case, "Luca" was promised all sorts of politicians, but nothing implemented! Still see competent authorities to stand by without acting! Most are chronically understaffed and / or lack of sufficient resources. The case of "Cain" is another tragic example that have the policies and authorities (or agencies) failed again! How many children must die before the policy framework and finally wakes up and preventive measures for the protection of children, can create or improve? Also, the failure of justice is found when children are always victims of repeat offenders and known criminal offenders.

I call on you now, at last take measures to ensure the best possible protection of children.

following measures can and should contribute to protect our children:

first Increasing the penalty for all crimes of violence against children and adolescents

second Repeal of the statute of limitations on abuse crimes
third Reporting or notification requirements for physicians in cases of suspected child abuse and sexual abuse of children
4th Better networking of offices, agencies, child care facilities, schools, police and courts
5th Establish uniform bases for competent authorities and agencies
6th Better (financial) support for victims (therapies, coping of traumatic experiences)
7th Changing social conditions (poverty alleviation, better family support)

I hope that the policy carries out its responsibility and finally words into deeds!


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