Monday, February 21, 2011

Toilet Paper Penis Size Test


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Credit database: Collect
credit information files "payment experience data" by tapping all possible (and not necessarily legitimate) sources, and store this data seems to last forever in credit data banks, the banks, mobile operators and many access them. Even if the basic registration, either at the back is long and adjustment, there was - so far! - For the person concerned no way to be deleted from the database to be, so that access to the "normal" services for everyday life was denied.
right to object:
This has made the Supreme Court is now final. Since credit rating databases related to a specific address code (if paid) are accessible and there is no legal mandate for data storage, the individual has to raise the right at any time and without notice to object to processing the storage of his payment history data.
The data must be deleted as a result within eight weeks.
The cancellation claim is independent of a possible - in many terms and conditions contained - earlier consent to data processing and dissemination.
bankruptcy protection:
The Austrian data protection law gives the victim thus an EU-wide unique protection against stigmatization by credit information files, but at the expense of creditor protection. This is of course to the dismay of the industries whose business model on credit, and (consumption) based funding. The usual query of this credit information will be greatly devalued the right to object, so that new ways need to assess the solvency of the customers are found.
MMag. Dr. Rupert Manhart, LL.M. (LSE)

law keepers in Bregenz
the link below you can find the appropriate templates!

cancellation claim on business information services, banking &


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